
These prices is only when you book direct on online booking on my homepage.

Room type Single Double 3 person (1 bed on bed loft) 4 person (2 beds on bed loft) Extra bed
  High season from the 24st of marts to the 1st of november
All days Kr. 795 (€ 110) Kr. 995,- (€ 138) Kr. 995 (€ 138) Kr. 1150 (€ 160) Kr. 170 (€ 23)
Mini vacation – 3 to 6 nights (price pr. night) Kr. 750 (€ 104) Kr. 995,- (€ 138) Kr. 975-999,- (€ 135-138) Kr. 1100 (€ 152)  
  Low season from the 1st of november to the 23st of marts
  Kr. 795 (€ 110) Kr. 885 (€ 122) Kr. 995 (€ 138) Kr. 1050 (€ 145) Kr. 150 (€ 21)
Rent the whole house 11.500,00 kr
For a stay over a longer period of time (on monthly or weekly basis), please contact us for more information – These prices are strongly reduced! – This offer only applies in low season